Tuesday, December 24, 2019

State Life Insyrance Corporation Internship Report

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT With the name of ALLAH the Most Beneficial and Merciful. I completed my internshipin State Life Insurance Corporation of Pakistan. I am really pleased to have a professional learning experience in one of leading insurance organizations of country. In these sixweeks I worked in different departments and I am truly thankful to all officers and staff who entirely give assistance to me.I am also grateful to my honorable teachers Sir Fida Hussain Bukhari, Sir Irshad, Sir RiazAhmed Mian and all other teachers who motivated me to work hard and teach metechnique to learn work.The account of acknowledgement will remain incomplete if I do not express my sincereappreciation, indebtedness and gratitude to my parents. They have always†¦show more content†¦Contents INSURANCE ................................................................................................................................. 8 DEFINTIONS: ..................................................................................................................... 8 EVOLUTION OF INSURANCE .................................................................................... 13 HISTORY OF INSURANCE INDUSTRY IN PAKISTAN ....................................... 16 COMPARISON WITH ASIAN COUNTRUES............................................................ 18 STATE LIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION OF PAKISTAN ......................................... 20 LOGO THEME .................................................................................................................. 20 BRIEF HISTORY.............................................................................................................. 21 CORE VALUES ........................................................................... ..................................... 22 MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS: ........................................................................................... 23 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE............................................................................. 24

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Piggery Business Plan Free Essays

string(77) " with employees and owner creating a better understanding of customer needs\." piggery University of Technology, Jamaica Introduction to Entrepreneurship Course code: ENT3001 Lecturer: Dr. Horace Williams October 4, 2012 Group Members: Garyann Robertson – 1105821 Nastassia Rowe-1101791 Adrean Dawkins-1103471 Oneika Robinson-1102703 Vancine Brown-1100550 Darain Harris -1104783 Table of Contents Content| Page| Executive Summary| | Industry Analysis| | Definition of Market| | Purpose Of the Business Plan| | Business Feasibility| | Justification Of the Business| | Organization and Management| | Human Resources| | Operational Considerations| | Marketing Arrangement| | Financial Considerations| | Implementation of Schedule| | Appendices| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Executive Summary The name of the business will be Argyle Mountain Piggery. In Jamaica rearing of animals for sale is a common business practice; many people enter into such ventures when quests for finding alternate employment prove to be futile. We will write a custom essay sample on Piggery Business Plan or any similar topic only for you Order Now Most of these entrepreneurs do not recognize the immense potential such businesses have to succeed. The entrepreneurs of the proposed business realized an opportunity to build a profitable and successful pig rearing and selling business and took advantage of it. The decision taken to embark on such a business can prove to be most profitable; the entrepreneurs recognized an opportunity which is the demand for the product and will seek to supply the potential market with pigs and pork and collect the profits to be had. The business’s focus will be on the sale of live pigs and pork, it will be concerned with the breading and rearing of pigs for consumption. The product that the proposed business opts to sell will be live pigs, dressed pig carcasses and pig offal. The business established will be a partnership; the venture will have six co-owners all of which will be general partners. The finances will be shared among the partners as follows: Oneika Robinson will contribute approximately 40% of the capital needed to start the business as she possesses the collateral that is required to receive loans. She will in turn be the major shareholder of the business. The other 60% of the capital needed will be shared equally among the remaining partners Darain Harris, Nastassia Rowe, Adrean Dawkins, Vancine Brown and Gary- Ann Robertson. A lawyer will prepare a partnership deed that will outline the specifics of the contract. The business is a small private venture and has unlimited liability, each partner is fully liable for the debts incurred or profits gained. The business will be based in the rural district of Argyle Mountain located in the parish of Westmorland. The land on which the business will be situated was acquired from one of the partners, who is owner of the property. The small house on the property will be converted to a storage unit for feed needed for pig rearing. The property also has a nearby water source; water will be pumped to the pens for the pigs from this stream. This location is also secluded with no close eighbours; public nuisance from the operation of the business will be avoided. The entrepreneurs of Argyle Mountain piggery took advantage of an opportunity that presented itself on the market; explain. this business concept was developed out of the need for pork on the market. The entrepreneurs sort to address the demands for a reliable supply of pork as the competitors fail t o satisfy this demand. The business is also situated at an opportunistic location close to the target market. The business, exemplary service and products will facilitate its growth and expansion. Once a market for a product a business produces is available the business has a good chance to succeed. What will determine the faith of the business is how it is managed and operated. Definition of Business The name of the proposed business will be Argyle Mountain Piggery. The business’ focus will be on the sale of live pigs and pork. The business will be located in the community of Argyle Mountain in the parish of Westmoreland. Argyle Mountain Piggery is proposed to start with ten pig, four pens and a small storage unit where feed and the equipment and tools will be stored. For the first six months of operation the business will have three employees where two will be working shifts on weekdays and the other on the weekend. As the business expands more man power will be employed. The venture will start as a small farm that shall expand as the pigs reproduce. Piggery will sell primarily to restaurants, local butchers and supermarkets. As the business it will seek out more lucrative clients such as hotels, or large cooperation’s such as Grace, Eve, Lasco ect. Contracts with such entities will bring additional revenue for further expansion. By the end of the second year of operation the business is expected to double its out. By the end of year six of operations the business is expected to accumulate enough wealth to facilitate growth in the form of opening a new branch in St. Mary Jamaica. 6. 0 Justification of the Business Entrepreneurs creates something of value by pulling together resources, and in order for the venture to be worthwhile the entrepreneur should assume the economic, social and personal satisfaction or benefits associated with venturing in the business of choice. Economic Benefits One of the economic benefits of operating a piggery is the opportunity to contribute to the society whilst gaining recognition for the effort. Operation of a business of this kind helps to contribute to the development and growth of the society in various ways such as: creating employment especially to those members of the community where the business is located, helping to improve the well being of such employees; the payment of taxes and contributing to the Gross Development Product (GDP), whilst helping to build the community as well. Social Benefits The social aspect of a business is very much important seeing it involves the relationship between people. There are several social benefits to be gained from operating a business. Firstly there is a close personal contact with employees and customers, which makes good personal relationships with employees and owner creating a better understanding of customer needs. You read "Piggery Business Plan" in category "Essay examples" Also through the promotion and transaction of business potential clients and business partners are developed. Finally there is the opportunity to sponsor community events thus developing stronger relationships. Personal Benefits It is said that although money is not the primary force driving most entrepreneur the possible profits the business will earn is a motivating factor in the decision to start the business. Owning a business also provides entrepreneurs the independence and opportunity to achieve what is important to them, also reaping the rewards of knowing that the driving force behind the business are them. Finally any modification of the business or its products and services are easily facilitated as well as fostering easy decision making. 8. Human Resources Human resource looks at the activities undertaken by an organisation to attract, develop and maintain an effective work force within the organisation. Some of the key factors of human resource is staffing which involves the selecting, training, developing, placing and orienting new employees, where they can be most productive. The entrepreneurs of Argyle Mountain Piggery realize how crucial it is to have an effective workforce in order to be better able to meet and even exceed the ever changing demands and needs of our target market. Therefore it is of great importance to recruit the right individuals, who are able to interact with customers, provide good customer service and are able to contribute positively to the overall growth of the business. In addition employees have to be trained in order to meet up to the standards, goal and objectives of the organisation as well as ensuring that each employee is capable of performing the assigned tasks. The positions required are designed in the organizational chart. In recruiting members of staff a number of methods will be employed; such functions would include job advertisements through electronic or printed media especially in the Argyle District community. Persons with the required qualifications and experience will be shortlisted and screened then the most suited and fit persons will be interviewed. Those recruited will be provided with the rules and operations of the business and these principles will be outlined in a worker’s manual provided; as well as through verbal briefings with regards to their job description. A job analysis which will be performed to determine the job specifications for each assignment and subsequently the job descriptions will be developed. 8. 1 Training and Development There will be On the Job Training (OJT) as selected individuals will gain hands on and practical knowledge as they attempt to carry out their job tasks. Also there will be weekly meetings in order to have an effective performance evaluation which will be done to evaluate the weekly activities and to identify how best to improve the worker’s skills and abilities. This will allow employees to gain constructive feedback with regards to deficiencies if any and assist in determining if employees are have the right behaviour and attitude to complete task towards achieving the goals of the organisation. 8. 2 Compensation In compensating employees their ability, education and skills should be considered as well as the task assigned to them. Therefore full-time employees will be remunerated based on their job functions and their responsibilities as well as the hours worked. They will also benefit from special discounts. A revision of salary will be performed based on the rate of inflation and profitability of the business and will be revised by the Human Resources Management. 9. 1 Location The Argyle Mountain Piggery prospected location is the community of Argyle District in Westmoreland. Based on the feasibility study the demands is high for pork in Argyle District, as the community of Argyle Mountain and its surroundings consume about 2,053 pigs annually, which is equivalent to approximately 350,030 pounds of pork. 9. 2 Technical Requirements 9. 2. 1 Business Processes Argyle Mountain Piggery is proposed to start with nine sows and one boar, four pens and a small storage unit for feed and the equipment and tools. For the first six months of operation the business will have three employees where two will be working shifts on weekdays and the other on the weekend. As the business expands more man power will be employed. Butcher shops are the main market for Argyle’s Pigs, and contracts will be made with these butchers as well to slaughter animals for the organisation in order to supply carcasses to other customers such as Restaurants, Meat shops and supermarkets. . 3 Equipment Required Argyle Mountain Piggery would be considered a retail business as pigs will be reared and sold to various consumers of the product. On the farm certain equipment and supplies are needed to carry out operations including: * Pig Feeding and Watering Equipment * Waste Disposal Equipment * Pest and Disease Control Supplies * Pig house cleaning Equipment * Pig Weight and Handling Equipment 9. 4 Suppliers of Raw Material The farm supplies and equipment will be purchased at AgroGrace farm and garden centre as well as Rapid True Value which are both located at the Fairview Shopping Centre, Bogue Montego Bay. The stores are located at approximately half an hour from Argyle Mountain. Supplies can also be ordered on a monthly basis. 9. 5 Utilities 9. 5. 1 Electricity Electricity for the farm will be supplied by the Jamaica Public Service Company (JPS Co. ). There might be possible considerations of alternatives if cheaper such as a generator or solar energy to be a part of the going green concept for protecting the environment. . 5. 2 Water Water will be obtained from the National Water Commission (NWC) as well a river is located in the community which water could be taken from, carried and stored in a tank that could be utilized in the carrying out of more domesticated processes such as cleaning pens, flushing toilet facilities, washing equipment etc. 9. 6 Opening Hours The piggery will be in operation f or seven days of the week from Sunday to Sunday. Purpose of the Business Plan In order to emphasize the issues and expectations of the Argyle Mountain Piggery, this business plan was prepared. Blurred issues such as the target market, the aims of the business, the market segment and the proper pricing strategy will be addressed. These factors will aid the competitiveness of the proposed business and allow the future success of the venture. In doing the business plan the factors mentioned previously will be harmonized as the areas of weaknesses and strengths will be identified and also the prediction of possible problems before they might occur. The business plan however, will not be definite as there maybe future changes in the proposed business so the business plan will be made to accommodate these changes. The business plan will also outline the duties and responsibilities of the professionals of the business which will give them a chance to concentrate their efforts on their specific tasks. A clear method of operation will be outlined to further guild the members of the proposed venture. Also the business plan is to be used as a reference for loans and investment funds that will be borrowed for the purpose of the proposed business as lending agencies will seek proof and a properly expressed idea before they invest money. Also for the purpose of borrowing money, the business plan will outline a feasible method of obtaining capital for the repayment of the loan and also for the sustainability of the proposed venture. The business plan will also be used to attract new employees as well as new partners for the future expansion of the proposed venture as this expansion will trigger a bigger revenue as well as profit. ? Marketing Arrangements The market targeted by the Argyle Mountain Piggery would generally be supermarkets/ mini marts, public butchers attached to an abattoir, meat shops, restaurants as well as jerk establishments. These establishments are singled out because of their basic operations would require the service the proposed business would provide. The characteristics of the pork being offered by Argyle Mountain Piggery will possess: soundness, muscling, free of excess fat, width of body, frame size, general appearance. Soundness – The pig’s soundness is determined by the amount of space the pig has to move as this will determine the amount of ‘exercise’ the pig will get. This will ultimately affect the overall muscle and fat development. This is important for the soundness as well as the appearance of the pigs. A level-topped pig will have a more correct slope to its shoulder and legs and have an advantage in ease of movement. Muscle – Our pigs will possess two important things that contribute to the evaluating of its muscle are the amount and type of muscle as the grade of the pigs would have been carefully selected and bred to yield the best results for the quality. Freedom of excess fat – Excess fat on the finished product is not a desirable feature for customers with the exception of persons in the business of jerk as the fat is used as a part of the jerking procedure; therefore, pigs with very little fat should be ideal. This can also be linked to the grade of the pigs; however the grade that is targeted by the proposed venture will help to solve this matter. Frame Size – Frame refers to the skeletal size of the pig. Frame size is determined by the grade of pigs. The grade of pigs targeted is of the Duroc and Yorkshire breed as these pigs have the desired skeletal frame and when breaded with one another will generate good results. The prices of the produce from the piggery will vary based on the orders received from the market. The pigs will be sold as either live weight of dead weight. The offal will also be offered. With that established, a regulated pricing strategy must be employed. Pigs sold at live weight (average weight being 240 pounds) would be sold at $170. 00/lb while pigs sold at dressing/dead weight would be sold at $185. 00/lb. The offal will be sold at a price of $100. 00/lb. Specific cuts will also be priced at the dead weight price per pound. Discounted prices may be considered when over a certain amount of meat or pigs are purchased. The penetrating pricing strategy will be used to gain access to the market as well as to gain a loyal customer base. The distribution of the products (meat) will be done via a refrigerated bus and the live pigs will be delivered to the respective clients using an open back, two (2) ton truck. However, the appropriate preparations will be made in the case of the client having an operational vehicle to do their own transport. Argyle Mountain Piggery would be advertised on a wide scale with much emphasis being placed on popularizing the business. Argyle Mountain Piggeries would take advantage of the new and innovative social networks to promote and advertise its services. The Jamaica Yellow pages will also be considered as a source of advertisement. Newspapers advertisements will also be utilized. This will be done on a continually until a customer base is formed. Flyers will be distributed to allow persons to become aware of the new and upcoming business. The final promotional strategy will be via word of mouth from our developing customer base. However, this method is not necessarily directly related to the members of the business as we would rely on the satisfied customers to relate their satisfaction to potential clientele. Mission Statement Argyle Mountain piggery aims to provide the best grade of pork and pigs to the community and its clients we aim to raise the standard of Jamaican pork and find more innovative ways to advertise the versatility of pig meat. Corporate Goals * To operate a sustainable and profitable business * To rare and sell high quality pigs * To expand in accordance to the growth of the business to accommodate three butcher shop and four distribution centres * Competitiveness of the business will be maintained by continuous market research into competitors and consumer demands. To achieve a contract with Grace and five major hotels in Jamaica * To appeal to a wider and more diverse target market in the Caribbean * To maintain a healthy and profitable relationship with members of the clients. The organization chart for Argyle Mountain Priggery Financial Manager Financial Manager Managing Director Managing Director Human Resource Manager Human Resource Manager Marketing Manager Marketing Manager Admin istrative Manager Administrative Manager Production Operation Manager Production Operation Manager Auxiliary staff Auxiliary staff Oneika (Managing Director) Vancine (Financial Manager) Adrean Dawkins (Human Resource Manager) Gary-Ann Robinson (Marketing Manager) Derain Harris (Administrative Manager) Nastassia Rowe (Production Operation Manager) The Role and Responsibility of Each Personnel Managing Director Their main responsibility is to provide strategic direction, an operating framework and an effective management unit. * Ensuring all resources are utilised * Establish objectives with employees in support of these plans in order to achieve current year profit targets whilst ensuring sustainable longer term growth and profitability. Ensure that the sales function across the business units maintains effective and profitable relationships with existing customers * Personally participating in major negotiations/discussions as required. * Ensure that the manufacturing and site management processes of the units employ best practice techniques to achieve maximum operational efficiency * Establish consistency in production standards * Ensur e that the businesses purchasing function maintains an effective/mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers. * Ensure that the local purchasing function maintains effective relationships with customers. Financial Manager Some of the main functions of a Finance Manager include: * Setting up financial goals and planning strategies to reach these goals, * Keeping a high check on profits and loss, * Monitoring cash flows * Developing procedures in order to minimize financial risk * decide how much of the company’s profits should be returned into investment * Paying taxes * Development and Implementation of financial policies and systems * Preparation of various financial reports * Monitor employment costs and productivity levels Develop and analyse information to assess the current and future financial status of business. * Establish procedures for the control of assets, loan collateral, and securities, in order to ensure safekeeping. * Evaluate data pertaining to costs in order to plan budgets. * Network within target area to find and attract new potential customer. * Approval and rejection of, lines of credit, personal loans. Human Resource Manager Human resource managers may p erform the following tasks: * determine Monetary payments or wages and/or salaries determining a cost-effective pay structure that will attract and retain competent employees * Determining the proper incentive for employees to work hard * Oversee the maintenance of personnel records * Coordinate occupational health and safety programs * make sure of compliance with law * Responsible for the hiring of employees and the dismissal employees * ensure each person is qualified to perform hisher responsibility * Provide information about policies, job duties, working conditions, wages, and employee benefits * resolve disputes administering disciplinary procedures * ensure that pay levels of all employees are perceived as fair * responsible for the evaluation of employees performance Marketing Manager * Is responsible to promoting the product to the public * Establish advertising accounts for the business with clients and advertising agencies * Develop efficient ways of advertising the comp any * Developing and maintaining effective continuous marketing strategies Production Operation Manager It is concerned with managing the process that converts inputs (in the forms of materials, labour, and energy) * Review financial statements, sales and activity reports, and other performance data to measure productivity and goal achievement and to determine areas needing cost reduction and program improvement. * Ensuring that business is operating as efficiently as possible in terms of using as few resources as needed while maintaining the products quality * Concerned with overseeing, designing, controlling the process of production * To check that the machines and equipment’s are n good working condition. * Manage staff, preparing work schedules and assigning specific duties * To maintains the machinery and plant so that it produce quality work * Provide and implement strategies for a safe working environment * Monitor the businesses so that it stays within budgetary limits * Responsible for meeting customer request * Oversee hired personnel Administrative Manager He will su pervise the day-to-day operation of the farm to see to it that: * The assets are in good condition The equipment for the farm is present and accounted for * To communicated with other partners in getting work done accordingly * Approving invoices. * Maintains professional and technical knowledge by attending educational workshops * This person is responsible for all the documentation of the company. He will organised and supervisor all the work to be done by the Administrative. Appendices Tools used in the feasibility study. Questionnaire Good day. The aim of this questionnaire is to determine the market for pork in the Argyle Mountain district and surrounding area. Your honesty is greatly appreciated as it will help in establishing the feasibility of the proposed piggery. All information you provide will be held confidential. 1. What is the nature of the business you operate? a. Restaurant b. Supermarket c. Slaughter House d. Other__________________________ 2. How long have this business been operational? e. 1-3 years f. 4-6 years g. 7-9 years h. 10 years and over 3. How frequently do you buy pork/pigs? i. Weekly j. Biweekly k. Monthly l. Quarterly 4. What quantity of meat (dead/live) would you normally require per purchase? . Between 50-100lbs n. Betweent0100-500lbs o. Between500-1000lbs p. Other__________________ 5. In what manner would you prefer the pork products to be weighed? q. Live weight only r. Dead weight only s. Dead weight with offal t. Offal only 6. Indicate by ticking in the box provided what cuts of the pork you prefer? * Shoulder square cut * Loin, back and ribs * Leg and ham trim * Middle and rack * Rump and shoulder picnic * Whole pig/carcase 7. State the price per pound that you are prepared to pay for live meat? A. 100-130 B. 130-160 C. 60-200 8. State the price per pound that you are prepared to pay for carcase? A. less than $150 B. $150-$170 C. $170-$200 9. State the price per pound that you are prepared to pay for offal? _____________________ 10. Would you buy pork from a piggery based in your community? Yes No 11. If possible what duration of contract would you be prepared to enter into with the proposed business? u. 1-2 year v. 3-4 years w. 5 years and over x. Not interested 12. Who is your current supplier of pork/live pigs? ___________________________________ 13. Do you currently have any problems with this supplier? Yes No If yes state the problem ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14. Would you prefer the pork you order to be delivered? YesNo Profile of Management Team Name: Adrean Dawkins Age: 19 Position: Human Resource Manager Qualification/s: BSc. Environmental Health Name: Oneika Robinson Age: 20 Position: Managing Director Qualification: BSc. Environmental Health Name: Vancine Brown Age: 20 Position: Finance manager Qualification: BSc. Environmental Health Name: Nastassia Rowe Age: 21 Position: Production Operation Manager Qualification/s: BSc. Environmental Health Name: Derain Harris Age: 20 Position: Administrative Manager Qualification: BSc. Environmental Health Name: Gary-Ann Robinson Age: 19 Position: Marketing Manager Qualification: BSc. Environmental Health Letter of Commitment form costumer DATE: __/__/__ BUSINESS NAME: I†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. (Name) the current †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Position in business), hereby commit to a contract with Argyle mountain piggery, to receive a monthly supply of live pig/pork from the company for a period †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. year. I therefore acknowledge that argyle Mountain piggery is my one and only supplier of pig related meat. My company will be responsible for the pick-up and delivery of the produc t, that will be picked up at every†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. days. The business will pay Argyle Mountain Piggery for it product at the start of every month. Signature of business manager†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Signature of representative of Argyle Mountain Piggery†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Signature of Argyle Mountain Piggery manager†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Witness signature†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Letter of Commitment to Supplier DATE: __/__/__ BUSINESS NAME: We the partners of Argyle Mountain Piggery, hereby commit to a contract with HI-PO, to receive a monthly supply of pig feeding from the company for a period five year. I therefore acknowledge that HI-PO pig feeding will be our one and only supplier of pig feeding for the stated time period. My company will be responsible for the pick-up of th e product that will be picked up at every weekend. The business will pay HI-PO for it product at the start of every month. Signature of sales manager†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Signature of Administrative Manager of Argyle Mountain Piggery†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Signature of Argyle Mountain Piggery manager†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Witness signature†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Meat Cuts that will be provided by Argyle Mountain Piggeries Label of Identification For Argyle Mountain piggery Promotional campaign As a new business vigorous and aggressive promotional and advertising strategy will be employed. The proposed business will need to build up a reliable customer base before its official opening which will be ten months after operations begin. At this point in time the business will have a constant monthly supply of pigs. The most effective ways of informing the public and prospective customers of the proposed business is via popular radio programs on various radio stations such as mellow, love 101, ZIP etc; radio is the best means to advertise the proposed business because it has a vast audience, capable of reaching the target market as well as more potential customers. It is also more affordable and practical than television. The internet is also a good avenue for advertising, popular websites and social networks such as Facebook and twitter will also be targeted for adverts since a substantial number of potential customers frequently visit these sites; it is also a means of free advertising and promoting. Ads will be placed in the Jamaica Yellow Pages, the national directory of the island. Advertisements will be placed in the Western Mirror, Observer and Jamaica Gleaner; these media also have a large audience and will successfully reach prospective customers. Flyers will be designed and placed at strategic central point’s such as community notice boards and Bus Parks in order to promote the business. Within Month ten of operation the business will have its official opening. This mile stone will be marked by a cook out; this cook out will be arranged with the primary intention of swaying potential customers to be official clients of the proposed business; A cook out is an ideal promotional and advertising strategy. Prospective customers will be given the opportunity sample the product; Pigs will be prepared whether jerked, stewed-, curry pork etc. they will be able to draw their own conclusion about the quality of the product and should most likely be impressed. Live pigs will also be on show to exhibit their superior qualities. Flyers and brochures will be distributed prior to this even to enable maximum turn out. Floor plan Feeding hole Feeding hole Feeding hole Feeding hole Feeding hole Feeding hole Feeding hole Feeding hole Industry analysis It is estimated that pig production in Jamaica accounts for less than 2. 0% to the country’s gross domestic product. The industry provides direct employment of some 5900 persons, representing 3. 1% of the total agricultural labor force. However, only eleven per cent (13%) of pig farmers depends fully on pig production as a means of subsistence and finance. Pig production and marketing contribute to indirect employment and income through linkages with the food service industries and other services. Argyle Mountain Piggery is a potential establishment which will be dealing with the rearing and catering of pigs. It will be located in the argyle mountain area where land is owned by one of the partners, and it will be catering for the people of Jamaica especially in the parish of Westmoreland. The base for choosing this site is that it is deemed accessible to all potential consumers and will boost marketing. The business will be equip will the required equipment in order to run such an establishment. A pen will be build which will house the pigs until they are ready to be slaughtered or sold to the public, there will also be a storage unit which the feed and other material for the lifespan of the pig will be stored and kept clear from contaminates, a shed will also be built in order to keep grounds equipment safe from looting. A slaughter house will also be built and measures put in place to keep it sanitary since the pigs will be killed in this designated place. The major competitors to the proposed business includes Butcher Livingston and Green Grosser’s Meats and also other small scale pig farmers, however this would pose a challenge in finding consumers as these other competitors would have already been familiar and have loyalty with the consumers. The advantage which the proposed business would have is being close to the region to which most of the customers are located; this would almost guarantee our share of the market, due to ease of travel, accessibility, convenience. Even though the amount of competitors are in the area are in a mid region most of them are on small scale, therefore they are likely to have a negative respond to this business venture. Given the fact that most of the competitors are on small scale, there is inconsistence in the service and product provision also poor customer services, unreasonably high prices and weak promotional strategies, so I strongly believe that the business can complete with the competitors. The Companies Act (Act of 2004) is the major regulatory laws that stipulate the proceedings of any organization within Jamaica. There are subsidiary regulations that guide the process of registration of a business and the consequences that are attached to any offences that may be committed. It rules for the membership proceedings of the country and all that is attached to business laws. The Public Health Act also serves as a regulatory body as it relates to food handling and meat inspection. It states that each members of the business be administered with a food handler’s permit, and also the regulation to which slaughtering of swine and also the sanitary conditions of the business should be in. Implementation Schedule. 1st 30 days before start of the business The 1st month before for the start up of the business would see to include the conception of the idea of starting the argyle mountain piggery and also look at the partners to which would be involved in the creation the business, after the visualization of this idea is complete the commencing of a feasibility study would be done in order to gain specific information to a conclusion would be drawn if the business is feasible or if it is not . Next 20 days before start of the business After a feasibility study is done time will be spent in order to create a business plan which will be most suitable for the proposed business to be most effective, it will include information which will discuss topics such as marketing strategies/arrangement, industrial analysis, and also the purpose of the business . Next 29 days before start of the business This period would be used to gain funds for the start up cost of the proposed business and the main source of these funds would be in acquiring a bank loan which would be repayable over a period of time, other funds would be gain via different mediums in order to successfully have enough capital to launch the proposed business. Next 50 days before start of the business After the granting of a loan and accumulation of other funds from different sources, construction would begin, and these constructions would include; pig pen, 2 sheds, slaughter house, any other building that will be needed will be provided by a structure which is already on the premises. All of the construction that would be taken place would be on the land which is owned by one of the partners within in the business so no time would be wasted in search and buying/leasing land for use of the piggery. Next 53 days before start of the business The livestock (pigs) which will be grown on the farm would have to be sourced before the opening of the proposed business so this would take some time as the best quality would need to be sought after before being bought. Time would also be needed to source equipment, material, feed and other farm supplies that will be used by the business as the most economical prices would be sought after. Also the hiring of staff would also be done to facilitate the business operations. Next 2 days before start of the business These days would be needed to sort out and set up the equipment that would be used by the business, and also to make sure that all the necessary document are in place and up to date. Next 1 day before start of the business This would be the official launch of the business, meaning the doors would be open to customers and also sales would commence on this day Next 60 days after start of the business This would be the period in which advertisements would be sent out seeking persons to work with the proposed business doing duties assigned to them, interviews are don’t in order to select the rite persons for the job. In this same period there would be a training period for the new and existing employees to ensure productivity is at a high. Next 21 days after start of the business These next days would be for normal operations but at the same time new partners or new investors would be sought; also strategies to attract new customers would be implemented and put into place in this time period. Next 10 days after start of the business In this period the purchasing of supplies in order to continue running the business efficiently would be done in or to replenish what was used in the 1st place, depending of well the previous product was these days would be needed to get better products to be used by the business. Next 25 days after start of the business In these next up coming days, the business will try to source and buy equipment or jus try to make the business more efficient in its operations e. . implementing the nipple system for pigs which limits to loss of water. Next 17 days after start of the business These days will be used to fine tune who does what and when who does what, this will be done in order to build efficiency and also build a stronger working relationship as people would have jus began to settle down and get comfortable with each other. Gant Chart Business Feasibility The findings of the feasibility study showed that there is a high demand for the Argyle Mountain Piggery, so when the proposed business is actually started, it is going to be very successful. This statement is based on the fact that eighty eight percent of the respondent said they were willing to support the proposed business. Also, Another reason for the expected success of Argyle Mountain is the fact that the demand for all parts of the pig are high, with dead weight at sixty percent, live weight at thirty three percent and dead weight with offal at seven percent. The feasibility study that was carried out also equipped the operators with the knowledge that a large number of the prospective customers would want a reasonable amount of pork on a regular basis; so the demand will be great. The study also revealed the different part of the pig that the proposed buyers would like, so in this case the operators know the specific parts that the different customers want and would be able to satisfy their needs; thus adding to the success of the business. When entering a business, there are some risks that come along with it. The business risks of proposed Argyle Mountain Piggery are the possibility of a recession, when there is a recession most of the potential clients are likely to spend less in purchasing from the Argyle Mountain Piggery; so there is a high possibility of failure. Other market risks that the piggery might experience include sales variation, which cannot be avoided. These may occur as a result of financial situations of the prospective customer. Therefore sales may fluctuate. A decrease in sales means difficulties in financing fixed costs such as wages, rent and other overheads. A difficulty will also be faced in maintaining the business, as the cost of the raw materials is very high. Another business risk is that of the fluctuation of currency, the Jamaican dollar is losing value on a daily basis therefore the cost to purchase most foreign currency is very high. A constraint will also be placed on the profitability of the business due to the high interest rates at which most banks in Jamaica lend money. So borrowing money at those high interest rates will cause more strain on the business in terms of making a profit. Business risks such as technology and regulatory aspect are also present. Technology might cause changes and in this case employees will have to be retrained to the more advanced technology and this will in turn cause the business more expense. Political/regulatory aspects may also be a risk to the Argyle Mountain Piggery, since licenses and approval are necessary for the business to be legal and it is not a guarantee that these will be approved by the government. Even though the competitors were indentified in the feasibility study, it is highly likely that a new competitor can enter the market and be stronger than Argyle Mountain Piggery. The business will then be forced to change its marketing strategy by lowering the cost and in this case the quality will definitely have to be improved. It is very important for the environment to be protected and the operators of the Argyle Mountain Piggery are aware of this so the necessary precautions will be taken to keep it safe. So the waste materials that are generated will be treated and sold to farmers as manure/ fertilizer, as it contains nutrients that will increase crop yield and during this process appropriate storage will be done in order to minimize the amount of greenhouses gases been emitted. In the case where it is not treated a private contractor will be hired to dispose of the waste. The materials and equipment used in the production of the product, will be environmentally friendly as operators are going green in order to sustain the environment. How to cite Piggery Business Plan, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Atomic Bomb Essay Research Paper Background free essay sample

The Atomic Bomb Essay, Research Paper Background of the Atomic BombIt was during the Second World War that the United States became a universe power, thanks in a big portion to its monopoly on atomic arms. The atomic bomb is a arm with great explosive power that consequences form the sudden release of energy upon the splitting, or fission of the karyon of such heavy elements as Pu or U. This new destructive force wrecked mayhem on two Nipponese metropoliss and caused the terminal of World War II. It besides saved 1000s of American lives because a land invasion of Japan was no longer necessary. The determination to make the bombs was that of United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt under a secret military undertaking that was called The Manhattan Project. The Beginnings of the Manhattan ProjectIn 1939, after German dictator Adolf Hitler invaded Poland, German scientists shocked the scientific universe when they announced that they had split uranium atoms by semisynthetic agencies for the first clip. Upon hearing this intelligence, a atomic physicist, Leo Szilard, was convinced that a concatenation reaction of this procedure could be used as a arm to let go of an amazing explosion of power. Szilard knew that this cognition was now in the incorrect custodies of the enemy Germans. On a July twenty-four hours in 1939 Szilard and his associate, Edward Teller, drove to the Long Island place of Albert Einstein to alarm him of their findings. Einstein used his political influence by instantly composing a missive to President Roosevelt explicating the effects of the Germans making an atomic bomb. His missive read, # 8220 ; I believe, hence, that is my responsibility to convey to your attending that it may go possible to put up a atomic concatenation reaction in a big mass of U by which huge sums of power and big measures of new-like elements would be generated. A individual bomb of this type, carried by a boat and exploded in a port, might really good destruct the whole port, together with some of the environing territory. # 8221 ; Two months passed before Roosevelt eventually read the missive. He ordered a commission of scientists and military officers to run into Szilard and Teller to find whether America was capable of constructing a atomic bomb. In 1940, Szilard and Teller were granted a mere $ 6,000 to get down experiments in atomic fission. The couple enlisted the aid of the victor of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1938, Enrico Fermi.Since much of the United States early atomic research been conducted at New York # 8217 ; s Columbia University, the federal authorities assigned the Manhattan District of the Army Corps of Engineers to build the primary research and production installations for the undertaking. Hence the # 8220 ; Manhattan Project # 8221 ; became the codification name for the atomic-bomb development plan. Success under the StandsIn early 1942, the Manhattan Project moved its central offices to Chicago. There the scientists set up a researc h lab under the bases of the University of Chicago football bowl. It was there that the turning point of the undertaking occurred ; the first atomic concatenation reaction was created. On December 2, 1942, to carry on the trial, the three superb work forces built a graphite atomic reactor the size of a house. By the pulling of a rod attached to the reactor the experiment began. The metre on the numeration machine ascended to the highest point and stayed at that place. # 8220 ; Gentlemen, the heap has gone critical, # 8221 ; Fermi announced, signaling that it was a success. Fermi so ordered the control rod to be pushed back before the reactor exploded and possibly taking a big portion of Chicago with it. The concatenation reaction was the grounds that proved that an atom bomb could be made. Most of the scientists were overjoyed, but Szilard said to Fermi, # 8220 ; This is a black twenty-four hours for mankind. # 8221 ; Confidence in the projectThe success in Chicago prompted Roos evelt to give top precedence to the creative activity of a atomic bomb. The focal point of the undertaking shifted from research to the existent production of the bomb. More than $ 2,000,000,000 was now being pumped into the undertaking. The Manhattan Project # 8217 ; s squad was allowed to use the state # 8217 ; s brightest mathematicians and its most extremely trained proficient people. Twelve Nobel Prize victors were besides enlisted in the project. Highly skilled work forces and adult females were in short supply in wartime, but they were routinely snatched off their occupations and set to work constructing the bomb. Roosevelt believed he was in a race with Hitler to develop this ultimate arm. In the early 1940 # 8217 ; s rumours has gotten to Washington that Germany was constructing its ain atomic arm. The Germans had taken over a heavy H2O works in Norway. Heavy H2O is H2O that contains heavy hydrogen, a important ingredient in doing the atomic bomb. American undercover age nts reported that Germans were mining U in occupied Czechoslovakia. All this grounds added up to a incubus scenario. No 1 wanted to conceive of what might go on of an atomic bomb fell into the custodies of a lunatic such as Hitler. The Manhattan Project was the most ambitious scientific project of all time launched in American History. Rare U had to be processed. Elephantine machinery demand for the bomb # 8217 ; s development was designed and built on a piece-by-piece footing. Work on the undertaking was conducted in 37 installings spread over 13 different provinces. Two new towns, Hanford, Washington ; and Oak Ridge, Tennessee were created merely to bring forth the stuff that would fuel the bomb. By 1945 Oak Ridge had been transformed from an stray vale keeping a few farms into the 5th largest metropolis in Tennessee. The existent design and building of the bomb was carried out at another new town: Los Alamos, New Mexico. Before the war Los Alamos had been a bantam spread used as a male child # 8217 ; s school. With breathtaking velocity, houses and edifices were erected at Los Alamos. Soon the town had its ain newspaper, schools and a population of four 1000. Most Los Alamos occupants were scientists and their households. The caput of the Los Alamos undertaking was the brilliant but austere J. Robert Oppenheimer. After Oppenheimer worked on some atomic research at Berkley he was assigned to direct Project Y, the existent Delaware signers of the bomb inside the Manhattan Project. It was his idea for the Los Alamos location as the design laboratory. During this time General Leslie Groves had taken over general military command of the Manhattan Project. Keeping the project’s work a secret was an obsession with him. A small army of security guards stood watch over all the plants and laboratories. Although more than a hundred thousand men and women took part in the project, only a handful of them knew they were making an atomic bomb. The few who did know the goal of the project were careful to call the bomb a â€Å"gadget† or a â€Å"gizmo† in casual conversation. The war in Europe took a dramatic turn in June 1944, when allied armies stormed the beaches of France and began a long march to Germany. Traveling with the frontline forces was a top-secret unit code named ALSOS. The ALSOS team investigated research sites in Europe where American scientists believed Germans were making nuclear weap ons. The ALSOS investigation discovered shocking evidence that Germany was not actively working on a bomb at all. Early in the war Germany had shown interest in nuclear bombs, but it later shifted its goals toward making rockets and jet aircraft. Hitler himself led his country away from atomic weaponry by denouncing nuclear physics as a â€Å"Jewish Science.†Germany surrendered to the Allies on May 8, 1945. A week earlier, Hitler had committed suicide in a Berlin bunker. With the war in Europe over, Japan stood as America’s only enemy. Since Japan was a nation near defeat in 1945 many Manhattan Project scientists thought it would be inhumane to drop the bomb on a helpless nation. Leo Szilard wrote a letter to now president Truman, begging him not to use the weapon he helped create on Japan. Truman rejected his pleas by pointing out that the battle at Okinawa cost the U.S. fifty thousand men killed or wounded. Military experts estimated that an invasion of Japan would r esult in a million United States casualties. Dropping the bomb would most likely force a Japanese surrender and prevent such an invasion. The Desert TestBy July, 1945 the Manhattan Project work was almost completed; they had developed a working nuclear bomb. The only obstacle that stood in their way is the actual testing of the bomb. The test, code name â€Å"Trinity† occurred on July 16, 1945 in the New Mexico desert town of Alamogordo. In a concrete bunker, a group of scientists and high-ranking military officials waited tensely. Many of them glanced at the clock, which was almost toward five in the morning. It was still to dark to see the hundred foot tall steel tower that housed the world’s first atomic bomb nicknamed â€Å"Fat Man.†Scientist Isidor Rabi wrote as the countdown came to a close and the bomb exploded. â€Å"[It was] the brightest light I have ever seen or that I think anyone has ever seen. It blasted; it pounced; it bored its way right through you. It was a vision, which was seen with more than the eye. It was seen to last forever. You wished it would stop†¦. There was an enormous ball of fire, which grew, and it rolled as it grew: it went up in the air in yellow flashes and into scarlet green. It looked menacing. I seemed to come toward me.† Finally, the tremendous ball of fire reached its height and diminished to reveal a mushroom-shaped cloud rising from the desert floor. In the bunker the men displayed mixed reactions. Some congratulated each other with slaps on the back and others sat in silence. Robert Oppenheimer spoke a passage from the Bhagavad-Gita an ancient book of Hindu scripture: â€Å"Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds†After receiving a full report of the test, President Truman decided that dropping the bomb would be the only way to save American blood. Although some historians believe that an ulterior motive was to impress the Soviets; Truman claimed he was looking out for th e future of the United States.The BombingBefore dawn on August 6, 1945, a single B-29 named Enola Gay took off from Tinian Island, about fifteen hundred miles south of Japan. The bomber was loaded with one whale-shaped bomb that weighed about nine-thousand pounds and nicknamed â€Å"little boy.† Far ahead of the Enola Gay, a scout plane reported that there was little cloud cover over the primary target, the Japanese city of Hiroshima. In the city men and women jammed the streets for work and school children scampered to school. At precisely 8:15 A.M. the B-29 dropped its bomb. Seven hundred yards above Hiroshima, the bomb exploded like a huge flashlight. The blast killed seventy thousand residents, many of whom were instantly incinerated. Three days later, a second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, killing forty thousand more people. In the months following the deaths tolls from the two cities continued to climb. The bombs released poisonous radiation that caused leukemia and other diseases. Not even the Manhattan Project scientists could have foreseen that their creation would have deadly- long-term effects. Even today Hiroshima and Nagasaki residents are dying of sickness caused from the blasts of 1945. On August 14, 1945, just five days after the Nagasaki blast, Japan agrees to American terms of surrender. The atomic bombs manufactured by the crash program called the Manhattan Project had helped to win World War II. However, the bombs ushered the world into a nuclear age. Since the first test millions of people have wondered whether nuclear weapons will spell the end of life on our planet. That question was first raised on the New Mexico desert in 1945 when a scientist remarked, † Am sure that at the end of the world- at the last millisecond of the world’s existence-the last man will see something very familiar to what we have seen today.†BibliographyGiovannitti, Len The Decision To Drop The Bomb, 1956, Coward-McCann, Inc. New Y ork, New York.Herken, Gregg, The Winning Weapon, 1980, Alfred A. Knoff, Inc. New York, New York.Stein, R. Conrad, Cornerstones of Freedom: The Manhattan Project, 1993, Children Press, Chicago Illinois.Wyden, Peter, Day One: Before Hiroshima and After, 1984, Simon and Schuster, New York, New York.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Student Success Paper free essay sample

My Success Strategy Plan Success Strategy Plan Step 1: Student Success Strategies 1. What three success strategies (from the Student Success Strategies Guide) will you plan on using throughout your degree program to help you be a successful student? My 1st strategies is to schedule times to study and do assignments , The 2nd to attend all the live chat sessions and 3rd to log into the Virtual Campus at least twice a day. 2. Why will these strategies be most beneficial to you? Doing these steps will insure me that I have completed all assignment on time and of upcoming assignments. I will also be turning in my assignment on the due date and not after. 3. How have you changed your routine throughout this course to integrate these strategies into your day to day activity? I have changed my routine just a little through this course because since I’m not able to attend all the live chats now I have been making sure to watch the archived chat so that I can keep up with assignment, I have also been updating my calendar daily as well 4. We will write a custom essay sample on Student Success Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page What did you learn from your classmates’ discussion board responses that will help you become a more successful student? How will you go about getting that support? I have joined the student mentor-ship club and have start inquiring about a student mentor and I also have my boyfriend reminding me of deadlines and help with assignments that I may need help with; two heads are better than one. 4. List the short-term goals you have, along with deadlines. Short term goals would be Good grades, character building, and start of the school year with high GPA 3. 5 – 4. 0 5. List the long-term goals you have, along with deadlines. Long term goal 1st is to earn my Degree in business administration, dead line for this is 05/15/2012 2nd goal is to enter a career in my degree field; deadline for this is 3 to 6 months after graduation. 6. What did you learn about yourself when you completed the self-assessment? I learned that with this strategist I shouldn’t have a problem with balancing work, school, and my social life. I learned what my strengths and weaknesses are. I also have learned that I need to regulate my stress levels so I can better do the things I need to do without complications. . Discuss what you will need to do in order to successfully meet the goals you have set for yourself. I will need to put in motion all these steps and tools to successfully meet the goals I have set for myself. Id I stick to this personal rubric I have made for myself I should be able to go thru my classes with no problem Step 3: Career Planning Management 1. Based on what you learned in your instructor’s Live C hat and what you know about yourself, would you consider yourself a career changer or someone who is working to advance in their field? Why? Based on professor Jan’s live chats and what I know about myself I would consider myself someone who is working to advance in my career field because I have always been a people person and feel that I would do very well in a any type of business field. Going to earning this degree will help make sure that happens 2. How would you describe the positive and negative aspects of your current career or situation? The positive aspects of my current career situation would be that pay, I work at a warehouse doing general labor so this is something that I’m doing just to pay the bill. The negative aspects of the job are the physical stress and mental stress working in a warehouse put on me. The hours are very long and the work isn’t easy 3. What are your immediate and post-graduation career goals? My post graduation career goal is to start a career or even a job with my degree. I would love to work at an actual business with an office setting or a firm of some sort; no more manual labor. An immediate goal of mine is to make A’s or B’s in all of my classes. 4. How does your choice of degree program at Colorado Technical University relate to these career goals? My degree program has a lot to do with my career goals. I choose this degree because my career goal is to be in business administration or even business management. As I stated earlier I have always wanted to work in Corporate America 5. What are the challenges and obstacles you expect to face as you strive to meet your career goals? Some Challenges and obstacles I expect to face as I strive to meet my career goals would be life. I believe work my get in my way a little, why I say life is because with life you don’t always have control of what is going to happen. Life happens and things might get in the way. 6. Specifically, how do you plan to overcome these challenges and obstacles? Hopefully I can utilize my time management skill on these random life obstacles to make sure they don’t take to much time away from class work and my goals. 7. Please list 5-7 career options you feel are both desirable and likely upon graduation. General Management, Hospitality Management, Office Admin, Operations Management, Retail Management, Sales Management, Assistant Product Manager, Human Resources Specialist, and Public Relations Rep. 8. What help do you feel you will need from the university or others in your life to reach your career goals? I feel I will need to use all the tools and programs for help that the university offers such as tutors, learning labs, and student mentors and from others in my life a little motivation and some constructive criticism. Success Strategy Plan Step 4: Technology Skills In This course I have learned a lot of new things and learn some things I am familiar with. A lot of the things I have learned are very helpful tools and programs that I enjoying using and will continue to use them throughout the ompletion of my degree program. One of the most important tools I have learn would have to be the APA Style writing, This is basically a proper style of writing and formatting a paper correctly. I have also learned proper netiquette this being the first time I have ever heard that there was a proper way to communicate online. This has taught me how to form emails and address the person or p erson’s I’m speaking or writing to in a personal and professional manner. How to correctly form text in discussion board and threw several other social web sites. Going to school at this campus has introduced me to the world of Virtual classrooms; this is the first time in my life that I have seen this type of learning system. I love the virtual classroom. I didn’t expect it to be as detailed as it is; with the live chat’s and library and other programs on the virtual campus it is actually like you are in a 3D version of school. This hands down would be the best way to learn how to network online personally and professionally these new styles of learning with most certainly help me with my professional career. Success Strategy Plan Step 5: Looking to the Future With all the new skills I have learned over these two months and some old skills that I have revised my strategy plan should work wonderfully with helping me reach my short term, long term, and in me to be successful in my future. If I use my own personal rubric there should be no way I can fail. Staying on top of my assignment will not only help me in school but when also in my career by being on top and organized. Setting up monthly calendars should also help me in the future to keep track of my daily social, career, and other aspects of my life. Managing my stress levels and keeping myself rested and in a positive mood should help my professional manners with peers, coworkers, boss’s, and clients. Completing my degree coarse with a good GPA and Good grades will also insure me in whatever career path I choose for in the future. Just by me being in school and taking action to be in control of my future is going to majorly heighten my self esteem. With a heighten esteem I will surely be able to achieve all my professional goals as well as my personal goals. If I stick to the plan there is no way I shouldn’t succeed. This new style of online school is effective and very helpful; my time management skill will come in hand with me now working and going to school at the same time. It might be a little challenging at times but I will always have this personal rubric to go back to and follow if I get side tracked. This is my Success Strategy’s Plan for school, Career, and my social life. I had a blast in the class and look forward to using this in my other classes in the future

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

This Is Not Hollywood Professor Ramos Blog

This Is Not Hollywood Woman Hollering Creek Woman Hollering Creek is an excellent narration of the journey of a woman named Cleofilas whos dreams are disclosed through her consciousness. She would dream about getting swept off her feet by her future husband, just like in the telenovelas. So when the opportunity came, Cleofilas married Juan Pedro and moved off to America from Mexico. Before she left, her father told her, I am your father, and Ill never abandon you (Cisneros 43), A quote that she will remember later down the line. They move to a town called Seguin, in Texas, the city of nasty gossips, dust, and despair, where Cleofilas has to gradually learn that the community life she cherished before moving north no longer exists. She believes that the town foundation is built so that wives have to depend on husbands for a ride or stay home. There is nothing for a woman to walk to no supportive church, no leafy town square, and no friendly shops. While the time passes, she begins realizing that this is not what she was expecti ng, and Juan Pedro is not the man who she envisioned. Juan Pedro, in reality, is a sexist man who beats his wife eventually she realizes that she needs to escape this life that Juan Pedro has made for her, and go back to Mexico to her family. Thanks to the help from a firm independent woman name Felice. She has a chance to go back to her father along with her children, and on the journey, knowing that there are strong women like Felipe who dont follow the social norms like on the telenovelas. She admires Felipe for being independent and wonders if she could be like that too. The author purposes for writing this story is to prompt the readers ideas of romantic love, woman role in a masculine culture, and expectation Vs. Reality. As a young woman, Cleofilas would dream about finding her prince charming, finding true love Passion in its purest crystalline essence (Cisneros 44). A situation like this is common when it comes to a young teenager because of movies, and television it gives the viewer expectations about how love is. According to cultivation theory, viewers who are repeatedly exposed to romantic content in media should, over time, adopt beliefs about the real world that are similar to the themes featured in the storylines (Gerbner, Gross, Morgan, Signorielli, Shanahan, 2002). As for Cleofilas, when she met Juan Pedro, it was love at first sight, just like in the movies. A good comparison to her situation is the frozen movie when the main character, Anna, meets Han. They immediately take a liking to each other. When trouble falls upon the kingdom, Anna decides to leave Han in charge, A man that she only knew for a short time, while she goes to save her sister. Little does she know that Han was a hoax , and she gave him the perfect opportunity to take over the kingdom. In our story, Cleofilas meets Juan Pedro only for a short period before he asks her to marry him. Cleofilas knowing that this is rushed still agree to marry him because he doesnt know when shell get another opportunity again, and she wants that telenovelas life. As time goes on, she began to question the reality of the relationship. There was not enough reason yet to give up on the relationship she still believes the trope I believe if another person and I love each other, we can overcome any differences and problems that may arise (V. Hefner B. J. Wilson 164). This trope is a huge problem when it comes to television; it gave the idea no matter how bad the relationship gets love conquers all, and Cleofilas is holding on to that expectation. Reality is the world or the state of things as they exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notion idea of them. A moment in the story when reality set in is when the author recalls and he slapped her, and then again, and again; until the lip split and bled an orchid of blood, she didnt fight back, she didnt break into tears, she didnt run away as she imagined she might when she saw such things in the telenovelas (Cisneros 47). At this moment, Cleofilas mind begins to question the idealistic relationship and the Telenovelas. She realized it was not as simple as just picking up your belonging, and leaving there a physical, and emotional connection that cannot be severed so easily. She starts asking herself if this is the man she wants to be with the rest of her life. Every day from that point on Cleofilas questions why she loves him saying things like he isnt a good man, he doesnt even help with the baby, and hes nothing like the men on the telenovelas (Cisneros 49). The expectations th at she had been through, and now, reality has set in. She starts seeing the true nature of this town, how it made for women to rely on men. They have no place to go no car to drive all they can do is cater to their husbands. As the time when on she had had enough, and decided to do something about her reality. After that, a named Graciela asked for a favor to her friend Felice to get Cleofilas to the bus station. While on their way, Cleofilas realized that Felice was not the norm of a woman like she saw on the telenovelas. Felice was a confident woman who had her pick up a truck and worked for everything. Cleofilas admired seeing the reality of a strong woman in this world right in front of her face. Woman Hollering Creek is about a woman realizing that the world reality and television expectations are far part. The television expectation puts a false ideal into a young woman mind about what a relationship should be, that the prince may not be prince charming. That the reality of th e world is cold, and sometimes doesnt have those fairytale endings, but you control your destiny. Hefner, Veronica, and BarbaraJ. Wilson. â€Å"From Love at First Sight to Soul Mate: The Influence of Romantic Ideals in Popular Films on Young People’s Beliefs about Relationships.†Ã‚  Communication Monographs, vol. 80, no. 2, June 2013, pp. 150–175.  EBSCOhost, doi:10.1080/03637751.2013.776697.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Characterization of Macoute in The Dew Breaker

Characterization of Macoute in The Dew Breaker The Dew Breaker, a novel by Edwidge Danticat that tells of Jean-Claude Duvalier’s inherited dictatorship in Haiti, appears to be a novel about two things. On the one hand, it documents the life and trials of a Tonton Macoute, a government sanctioned torturer; on the other hand, it also tells of the cowardice of weak men with great power. The ‘dew breaker’ that is the eponym for the book is constantly characterized by his cowardice, his desire for forgiveness but his inability to ask for it. This conflict that the ‘dew breaker’ has within himself also tends to inspire conflict within the reader. Should one hate him or pity him? Is he unforgivable because of what he has done or is his own fear, coupled with circumstance, truly to blame? After examining the characterization of the ‘dew breaker’ and the situations in which he was placed, it can be inferred that while he may not deserve forgiveness, this man’s obvious pusillanimity make s him pitiable. The novel begins with the story of Ka, an aspiring young artist and the daughter of the ‘dew breaker’. The ‘dew breaker’ is presented as a simple Haitian barber, an escaped military prisoner with a devotedly Catholic wife and loving daughter. The reader easily falls into step with Ka and her father as they travel to Florida to sell one of Ka’s sculptures. This sculpture is inspired by the bent and broken prisoner Ka believed her father to be. Besides relating parts of her father’s â€Å"past† in Haiti, Ka also tells of a jagged, horrifying scar that has nearly ruined her father’s face. She easily recounts the story he told her as a child: that a guard working for the regime of Jean-Claude Duvalier sliced open her father’s face in a random act of cruelty. It later becomes apparent that this tale is indeed a lie told to Ka for over thirty years. Towards the middle of the chapter, Ka’s father finally opens up with the t ruth after destroying his daughter’s sculpture, saying, â€Å"†¦ Ka, your father was the hunter, he was not the prey†¦ I was never in prison† (21). In one instant, everything that Danticat has told the reader about Ka’s father seems to be untrue. This man, who was known in Haiti as a Tonton Macoute, an infamous ‘dew breaker’, finally speaks the truth to his daughter and in the process destroys the innate trust Ka has in him. The idea that he kept such a secret from her for so long is surely an example of his infinite cowardice. However, it also proves he wants nothing more than love for the man he is, not hate for the man he had been. Another point of interest in The Dew Breaker is the main character’s demand that he be allowed to wear civilian clothes. In the last chapter, â€Å"The Dew Breaker†, the protagonist simply states that â€Å"he didn’t like the uniform† (196). The idea that he feels he is above other Macoutes and has the right to make demands is perfectly absurd and also cowardly. A Macoute walking home alone in standard denim runs the risk of being attacked and possibly killed; the ‘dew breaker’s’ refusal to wear the uniform proves he is a coward, a man who cannot stand the idea of imminent physical harm. This basic denial of Macoute custom sets the main character apart from all others: he is not in imminent danger because he is allowed to dress normally, he can avoid unwanted attention, and his lack of uniform saves him later when he runs into Anne outside Casernes. Had he been wearing the denim of his station, I doubt Anne would have reacted so charita bly. Incidentally, â€Å"The Dew Breaker† also presents the same conflict as seen in the beginning of the book. It offers no real resolution as the last chapter but it does leave the reader with a feeling of modern day catharsis. This chapter flashes back to the ‘dew breaker’, an active and senior member of Duvalier’s Macoutes while in Haiti. Danticat opens by describing the main character in a soft but insistent way. He is an important and self-indulgent man in the Tonton Macoutes who has been sent to kill an outspoken preacher. The ‘dew breaker’ voices a disdain of this job in the beginning of the chapter, saying that, â€Å"He wanted a perfect view of the church entrance in case the opportunity came to do the job from inside his car†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (183). This obvious lack of courage produces a key moment in the novel: the Macoute is afraid to take a chance with the preacher’s unrestrained congregation. It is doubtless that, if the ‘d ew breaker’ was alone during the public assassination of the preacher, the entire situation would have resulted in his own death. To protect himself, the ‘dew breaker’ chooses to bring along a group of other Macoutes. The preacher is roughly but quietly taken away, giving the illusion that he has â€Å"disappeared† like all the rest. The quiet, subtle way in which the preacher was taken to Casernes helps to exemplify the main character’s inflated concern for himself. He is not willing risk his life in any way, even to execute a duty given to him by the faction he so loves. The concern mentioned above is also present pages later, after the preacher has been taken to Casernes for questioning. Though it is surprising that the preacher was not restrained during interrogation, this small oversight by both the main character and Danticat serves a great purpose. In a marvelous last act of heroism, the preacher reaches for a splintered piece of wood from his broken chair and stabs ‘dew breaker’ â€Å"in [his] right cheek and [sinks] it in an inch or so† (226). Danticat goes on to further wound the ‘dew breaker’, saying that, â€Å"The fat man’s shock worked in [the preacher’s] favor, for it allowed him a few seconds to slide the piece of wood down the fat man’s face, tearing the skin down his jawline† (226). The action itself earns the preacher the quick death he so desires: he is immediately shot in the chest by the ‘dew breaker’, a man who cannot stand the idea of bruised pride. This m agnificent show of valor on the preacher’s part forever damages the ‘dew breaker’; it also contributes greatly to a weakness in character that will be present for the rest of his life. With the blood of the preacher on his hands, the ‘dew breaker’ becomes completely terrified. A huge gash in his face and dripping with blood, he stumbles out of Casernes, pushing aside his superior’s assurance of asylum. The fact that he did not stay to face the consequences of his actions shows his cowardice yet again. He cannot bear the thought of punishment or reprimand even from an institution he has devoted his life to. Whenever there is a chance he might endure harm, the ‘dew breaker’ is quick to withdraw from the situation, either by blaming it on others or by running away. The constant theme of cowardice and fear in The Dew Breaker is important to the story’s plot and also to the characterizations within. The ‘dew breaker’ as presented by Danticat is a man who evoked terror in the people; there mere mention of his name could send a Haitian into a fit of shivers or a bout of unwanted memories. It is ironic, then, that he should ultimately be the one who is most afraid and the one who would have to flee for his life. The ‘dew breaker’ was such a contradictory mess of both fear and courage, weakness and power, that one could not help but feel sorry for him. It is heart wrenching to think that a human being could do such terrible things and then struggle so completely with those facts afterwards. It’s the story every person wants to hear: the story of a man battling his inner demons and his past to become more than he ever was before. While the ‘dew breaker’ does fall short of forgiveness and absolution, he also doe manage to achieve a kind of pitiable half-life, his attempt to be a good man despite his history of bad deeds. Ultimately, it is the ‘dew breaker’s’ cowardice and lack of strength that makes him so close to the reader’s own heart. After all, we are all vulnerable in our own way.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Focusing on Financial Impact & Innovation TLMT 441 forum 2 Assignment

Focusing on Financial Impact & Innovation TLMT 441 forum 2 - Assignment Example According to Mullineux (2008), financial innovation enables firms to raise funds for investment, which is critical in lowering production cost. Similarly, the growth is developed by new technologies and not driven by profit-maximization. They help in supporting entrepreneurs to create new methods to fund and screen technologists. Financial innovation is poised as the economic engine of the societies, at the same time, castigated as source of weakness of the economy (Bansal, 2006). Empirically, the source of financial innovation is poorly understood by entrepreneurs. These innovations refer to advances in technology that expedite access to information, payment, and trading approaches (Bansal, 2006). Financial innovation shapes the monetary policies of countries. On the other hand, financial development in media and payment systems has created a substitute for note, which is a reserve of the central banking (Bansal, 2006). For instance, they have enhanced e-banking and online money transfer that enhances money circulation. In other words, financial innovation facilitates the operation of monetary policies (Allen, 2004). They enhance transfer of money, contract on futures values, and allow negotiability of

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Mathew Crawfords The Case for Working with Your Hands Essay - 1

Mathew Crawfords The Case for Working with Your Hands - Essay Example According to the research findings, the audience of the essay is a specialized group of white-collar workers. Crawford talks about university students who undergo a syllabus that suits specific office work. Most of these students have no practical experience about their work, and can only sit at work and perform a boring routine of predetermined operations according to company policies. He believes that most of them are in learning institutions against their will. â€Å"Some people are hustled off to college, then to the cubicle, against their own inclinations and natural bents, when they would rather be learning to build things or fix things. This part of the essay undermines the natural quest of people in college who would rather learn manual work than be in an office. It is only after they work in an office so they make the comparison between the two. Matthew Crawford uses a positive tone in his presentation. He has an inspiring and persuasive persona coupled with philosophical t hought. His philosophy of gaining fulfillment from manual work as compared to office work is insightful. The effect of this is a remarkable and convincing essay that changes a reader’s outlook about manual labor and mental work. His research talks about work fulfillment and the ability to end a day with a feeling of success because of actually doing some visible work. The author uses a formal and concise tone in the essay to ridicule the society. The effect of this language is that it makes the readers laugh at themselves and consider the thought of manual labor. He says that one works when doing something manually, for instance, repairing a car, and actually sees the results. Using simple sentences and impressive language flow, the author explains the benefits of manual work in an intelligent manner.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Famous serial killers Essay Example for Free

Famous serial killers Essay The life of famous serial killers is always an interesting topic.   What did the serial killer do? How did he do it? Why did he do it? Who were his victims? Did he allow the victims to suffer? The most interesting question is what will trigger a man to become a notorious serial killer? (â€Å"What Makes a Serial Killer Tick?† 2002, p.1)   Ã‚  Several theories have been offered to explain why persons commit crime or why people become serial killers.   Some attribute it to psychological, biological and sociological factors (Zelda G. Knight, 2006, p.2). This paper seeks to prove that as much as we desire to explain every human phenomenon, there is a limit to how far human understanding can reach.   Since the human brain is a complex organ it is very difficult to explain human behavior using a single theory.     Thus, in order to understand human behavior all factors must be taken into account as they all have an influence in human behavior. The case of Jeffrey Dahmer who was a famous serial killer proves this point.   He killed and cannibalized 17 men and boys between 1978 and 1991 (Mark Marve, 1994, p.1).   He is considered one of the most hateful serial killers in history.   As a child he found pleasure in killing and in mutilating animals like nailing a dog to a tree and crucifying squirrels in his backyard (April Washington 2007, p.1).   He also performed weird experiments with different animals.   During his trial, it was found out that he collected dead animals and had sex with them.   His stepmother stated that when he was still young, he enjoyed using acid to remove the meat off dead animals. According to some theories, individuals become serial killers because of history of parental neglect and abuse. Based on these theories the behavior of serial killers can be explained by understanding his family and how he was raised.   In his case, Jeffrey Dahmer came from a family who was known to be very religious.   While it was true that his father was very busy at work and spent little time for his family, there was no recorded incident of violence in his family. On the other hand, there are some theories that say that a person’s peers, friends and the people he associated with may explain his criminal behavior.   In his case, Jeffrey Dahmer was extremely shy and was regarded as loner when he was still young.   He was afraid to go to school and he was terrified when he was with people.   At school, he had no friends and he did not like to be with people.   It can therefore be gleaned that Dahmer did not associate himself with bad friends as he had no friends. Marquis de Sade (2001) once said that One must feel sorry for those who have strange tastes, but never insult them. Their wrong is Natures too; they are no more responsible for having come into the world with tendencies unlike ours than are we for being born bandy-legged or well-proportioned. (p.3) Based on the facts stated, human behavior cannot be explained using a single theory alone.   There are some individuals who do things that are different from what normal people do.   While these acts should not be condoned, these individuals who do these acts should not be insulted because these things do happen.   In some cases, these events may happen even against the person’s volition. The point is that explaining human behavior in terms of family background or environment does not suffice.   Jeffrey Dahmer grew up with a religious and educated family.   He did not grow up in a bad neighborhood.   He was not maltreated nor physically or sexually abused by his parents.   There was likewise no indication that he had a bad social environment. Human behavior cannot be explained using just one theory.   Researchers need to find out the totality about the person.   Factors such as the biological, psychological and sociological factors should be taken into account in determining the causes that make a person a serial killer.   In this case, the lack of attention and parental love from his parents cased Dahmer to behave differently than an ordinary child.   His social isolation was also a factor as he did not have anybody to share his thoughts and feelings depriving him of a normal childhood and a normal life.   All these factors when taken together are sufficient to explain human behavior.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Hawthornes Young Goodman Brown - Goody Cloyse and Catechetical Ministry :: Young Goodman Brown YGB

â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,† Goody Cloyse and Catechetical Ministry      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This essay intends to compare the author’s disparaging slur of Goody Cloyse, Puritan catechism teacher, Deacon Gookin and the minister – all of whom are catechists - in â€Å"Young Goodman Brown,† with â€Å"In Support of Catechetical Ministry - A Statement of the U.S. Catholic Bishops† from June of 2000.    The influence of Puritan religion, culture and education is a common topic in Nathaniel Hawthorne's works. Growing up, Hawthorne could not escape the influence of Puritan society, not only from residing with his father's devout Puritan family as a child but also due to his study of his own family history.   The first of his ancestors, William Hathorne, is described in Hawthorne's "The Custom House" as arriving with the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630 "with his Bible and his sword" (26). A further connection can also be seen in his more notable ancestor John Hathorne, who exemplified the level of zealousness in Puritanism with his role as persecutor in the Salem Witch Trials. The study of his own family from the establishment of the Bay Colony to the Second Great Awakening of his own time parallels the issues brought forth in "Young Goodman Brown."   In looking into the history of early Puritan society, Hawthorne is able to discuss the merits and consequences of such zeal, especi ally the Puritan Catechism of John Cotton, and the repercussions of The Salem Witch trials.   Hawthorne sets â€Å"Young Goodman Brown† into a context of Puritan rigidity and self-doubt to allow his contemporary readers to see the consequences of such a system of belief.    Hawthorne’s tale places the newly wed Puritan Brown in a situation, where he has agreed with an evil character to participate in a coven, a witch’s ceremony, a devil-worship liturgy. The experience he has at this liturgy easily translates into the dream allegory of Hawthorne’s work and allows the author to use Puritan doctrine and the history of Salem to argue the merits and consequences of the belief in man’s total moral depravity. As Benjamin Franklin V states in "Goodman Brown and the Puritan Catechism," Hawthorne used John Cotton's Milk for Babes as the education source of Goodman Brown.   It was the Puritan belief that man must be instructed to realize his own depravity, and therefore at childhood the education began. The child was taught that he was†conceived in sin, and born in iniquity† (70).

Monday, November 11, 2019

Labor Movement Development in Chile: 1990 to Present

Chile underwent a change in 1990 to a democratic form of government.   As a result of this transformation to democracy, the labor movement within Chile has undergone massive development.   As developments have been undergone, several areas of the labor movement have especially experienced change, including collective bargaining, Under the prior authoritarian rule of Augusto Pinochet, collective bargaining negotiations by labor units was strictly limited to â€Å"initial wage readjustments, the time period for inflationary adjustments, and the levels of inflation adjustments†.   (Frank, 2002)   In his in-depth study of the labor movement in Chile, Professor Volker K. Frank explicitly states that â€Å"the most important of all changes concerns the new law on collective bargaining†. The reform that came about during the early 1990s involved a corporations last offer to a union and their rights to proceed with the business of their corporation based on the union reaction, as well as the rights of the union to strike based on a corporation following certain criteria. Because the first reforms that impacted the labor movement in the early 1990s fell short, more reforms were enacted in the middle 1990s.   Professor Frank explains that â€Å"This new legislation envisions major changes that would indeed limit the employers’ abusive powers, which a very flexible labor market has given them in the first place. In this sense, unlike the first reform of 1990–92, this second one does move much more toward a ‘protective’ labor market†.   (Frank, 2002) This major development in the labor movement is most key because of the enhanced protection afforded the laborer by a government becoming more democratic. The labor movement in Chile is far more complicated than reforms to collective bargaining laws or limitations on abusive powers.   By first analyzing those key changes, however, one can better understand the tremendous development Chile has indeed undergone. Reference Frank, V. K.   (2002)   The Labor Movement in Democratic Chile, 1990-2000.   University of Notre Dame: Helen Kellogg Institute for International studies.   

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Brinkley’s a Survey of Us History Chapter 29: the Cold War Essay

1) Origins of the Cold War a) Sources of Soviet-American Tensions i) Rivalry emerged b/c of different visions of postwar world * US foresaw world where nations got rid of traditional beliefs, such as military alliances, and used an international organization which would resolve disputes * Soviet Union sought to control areas of strategic influence * Vaguely similar to traditional European balance of power * Churchill also envisioned this b) Wartime Diplomacy i) Tensions began in 1943 b/c of Allied refusal to open second front through invasion of France * at Tehran Conference, Roosevelt and Stalin formed good relationship * Stalin agreed to help US in Pacific once war with Germany was over in exchange for the opening of the second front in France * But, dispute over governance of Poland showed signs of future disagreements being clearly visible * Roosevelt and Churchill were willing to give Soviet Union some of Poland, but wanted the Polish govt in exile in GB to take control again * Stalin wanted pro communist govt to take control c) Yalta i) Meeting of Big Three at Yalta in 1945 * In turn for Stalin’s promise to help the US out in the Pacific, Roosevelt promised Stalin land back that was lost in the Russo Japanese War * Also led to plan to create United Nations * General Assembly and Security Council * Every member was recognized in the General Assembly * In Security Counsel, there were 5 permanent representatives (USA, GB, France, Soviet Union, China), each of which would have veto power ii) There was also a lot of disagreement * One was over future of Polish govt (independent and democratic vs. Communist) * Stalin eventually agreed to allowing an unspecified number of democratic Poles into the govt and consented to hold â€Å"free and unfettered elections† on an unspecified future date * Elections did not take place for more than 40 years * Another was over the future of Germany * US wanted a reconstructed and reunited Germany * Stalin wanted heavy reparations and to ensure a permanent dismemberment of the nation * finally agreed to commission and each Ally given German â€Å"zone† * decision on reparations would be decided at a future commission * and at an unspecified date, Germany would be reunited (but there was no agreement on how the reunification would occur * as for the future of the rest of Europe, the conference produced a murky accord that the establishments of govt’s â€Å"broadly representative of all democratic elements† and â€Å"responsible to the will of the people† * Soviet interpretations of the accords differed sharply from those of the Anglo-American interpretation * In the weeks following, Roosevelt watched with growing alarm as the Soviets raised pro communist govts all over central and eastern Europe and refused to make the changes to Poland as he promised 2) The Collapse of the Peace a) The Failure of Potsdam i) After Roosevelt’s death in April 1945, new Pres Truman decided US needed to â€Å"Get Tough† w Soviets to honor Yalta accords * Truman had little leverage to compel the Soviet Union to listen to him, therefore he was forced to settle with little ii) Potsdam Conference in July ended w/ Stalin receiving increased land w/ new Polish-German border * US refused to allow German reparations from other Allies’ zones to go to Soviets but US recognized new communist Polish govt under Soviet influence * Allied zones would unite as one country (West Germany) and be separate from Soviet’s part of Germany (East Germany) b) The China Problem i) US had vision of open world â€Å"policed† by major powers * But vision troubled by unpopular and corrupt Chinese govt under Chiang Kai-shek (supported by US aid during civil war) who battled communists under Mao Zedong * By 1945, communist controlled  ¼ of the population * Because US didn’t want to support communists, they were forced to support Chiang ii) B/c Kai-shek govt sure to collapse, US sought to create new, Pro-West Japan by encouraging industrial development, lift trade restrictions * Vision of open, united world was giving way to an acceptance of a divided world with a strong, pro American sphere of influence c) The Containment Doctrine i) US no longer sought â€Å"open† world but rather set out to â€Å"contain† Soviet expansion * As Stalin tried to win control over the vital sea routed in the Mediterranean (Turkey), communist forces threatened to overthrow govt in Greece * new Truman Doctrine sought aid for those forces ($400 million) in Turkey and Greece opposing take-over of Communist forces under Soviet influence * its basis was that the US should â€Å"support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or outside pressure† * it worked, Soviet pressure taken off of Turkey and Greek govt regained control d) The Marshall Plan i) Sec of State George Marshall 1947 plan to provide aid to all Eur nations (for humanitarian reasons, to rebuild and ensure it could become self reliant again, to create markets for US goods, and to strengthen Pro-US govts against communists) * this included the Soviet Union, but was rejected by them and their Eastern satellites * was accepted by 16 Western European nations * April 1948, congress approved creation of the Economic Cooperation Administration to administer the Marshall Plan * channeled billions of $ to aid economic revival * by end of 1950, European industrial production had risen 64%, communist strength in member nations declined, and opportunities for US trade revived e) Mobilization at Home i) US maintained wartime military levels, established Atomic Energy Commission to continue nuclear research * Congress approved new military draft and revived the Selective Service System * Nuclear weaponry became central place in US arsenal * In 1950, Truman admin. Approved the development of the new hydrogen bomb * A nuclear weapon far more powerful than anything the US used in WWII ii) National Security Act of 1947 reshaped major military and diplomatic institutions * created Department of Defense to oversee and combine all armed services * created National Security Council (NSC) in White House was created * would govern foreign and military policy * created Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to collect information * As Cold War progressed, they also engaged secretly in political and military operations on behalf of American goals f) The Road to NATO i) Truman merged German â€Å"Western zones† into the West German republic * Stalin responded on June 24, 1948 by blockading Western Berlin * Truman, unwilling to risk war by militarily challenging the blockade, responded w/ airlift to re-supply inhabitants * In spring of 1949, Stalin lifted the now ineffective blockade * Federal Republic became govt of west Germany, Democratic Republic of east ii) To strengthen military position US and Western Eur nations in April 1949 created North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as alliance to protect all members against threat of Soviet invasion (12 nations agreed to take part) * Attack against one would be attack against all * Countries would provide a standing military force in Europe in case of Soviet attack * Soviet Union and communists responded by in 1955 forming similar Warsaw Pact g) Reevaluating Cold War Policy i) 1949 saw Soviet Union explode first atomic weapon and collapse of Nationalists in China to Mao’s Communists ii) To reevaluate foreign policy, National Security Council released report NSC-68 saying that the US could no longer rely on other nations to take initiative in resisting communism * US should lead noncommunist world and oppose communist expansion everywhere it existed * Also called for US to expand military power dramatically * Defense budget was now 4 times the previously projected figure 3) American Society and Politics After the War a) The Problems of Reconversion i) After end of war Truman attempted to quickly return nation to normal economic conditions, but problems ensued ii) No economic collapse (many thought nation would go back into a depression) b/c of several things * increase in spending on consumer goods from savings gathered during war * a $6 billion govt tax cut * Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944 (GI Bill of Rights) * provided education + economic aid to returning soldiers that further increased spending iii) Problems because of spending lead to high inflation * Caused Truman to sign a bill similar to wartime Office of Price Admin. (OPA) * Inflation also caused union strikes in automobile, electrical, steel, railroad (shut down whole nation’s railroad line), and mining industries (led by John L. Lewis * Truman used military and govt power to stop the strikes (military on railroads, govt on mine workers) * displacement of some minorities and women b/c of returning soldiers to labor * 80% of them wanted to keep working * Postwar society in which many women had to provide for themselves created a high demand among them for paid work * Many went into service sector b) The Fair Deal Rejected i) After Jap surrender Truman proposed â€Å"Fair Deal† to enact liberal reforms * included raising minimum wage, enacting Fair Employment Practices Act, expanding Social Security, a program to ensure full employment through use of federal spending, public housing and slum clearance, govt protection of scientific research, and creating nation health insurance plan ii) Fair Deal opposed by Republican conservatives who gained majority in both Houses of Congress in 1946 elections * Repubs sought to reduce govt spending (get rid of New Deal programs) and economic controls, cut taxes for wealthy, refused to raise wages * Also refused to increase SS, provide more funds to education, or support power projects in West * As inflation soared, Republicans pretty much just told the public to deal with it (Sen. Robert Taft) iii) Repubs wanted to decrease powers unions gained in 1935 Wagner Act * passed Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947 (Taft-Hartley Act) * made â€Å"closed-shop† illegal (a workplace in which no one could be hired unless they were part of a union) * Although it stil permitted â€Å"union shops†, it allowed states to pass â€Å"right to work† laws which prohibited this * Outraged workers and union leaders denounced the measure as a â€Å"slave labor bill† * Truman vetoed it, but both houses easily overruled him * Did not destroy labor movement, but it damaged weaker unions in lightly organized industries * Made more difficult the organization of workers who had never been union members at all (women, minorities, most workers in the South) c)The Election of 1948 i) Truman sought to make re-election about reforms but electorate saw him as weak * Tried to pass reforms leading up to election but they were all struck down by Congress * Didn’t have much support within even his own party * Southern Dems (Dixiecrats) split off and formed the States Rights Party after they became angry with Truman over his proposed civil rights bill * Gov. Strom Thurmond was their Presidential nominee * Progressives also broke off and formed new Progressive Party with Henry A. Wallace as their candidate * Other Dems who didn’t break off attempted to dump Truman in 1948 * The Americans for Democratic Actions (ADA) attempted to persuade Dwight D. Eisenhower to contest the nomination, but he refused * Dems were forced to enter Truman as their nominee ii) Repubs nominated Thomas Dewey and seemed to be in strong position to win, but intense campaigning by Truman and his platform to reduce inflation, help common man, repeal Taft-Hartley Act, help farmers, and his strong civil rights support for blacks allowed him to win Pres * Dems also won both Houses of C d) The Fair Deal Revived i) New Dem Congress allowed for minimum wage increase, Social Security expansion, and housing (National Housing Act of 1949provided the construction of 810,000 homes for low income families) * but were hostile to Fair Deal programs expanding education aid, national healthcare, and civil rights * rejected civil rights bill that would have made lynching a federal crime, abolished the poll tax, and established a new Fair Employment Practices Commission (FEPC) ii) Truman did end govt hiring discrimination, desegregated armed forces * Supreme Court in Skelley v. Kraemer rules community â€Å"covenants† meant to bar blacks from residential neighborhoods were now unenforceable by courts e) The Nuclear Age i) Nuclear weapons viewed w/ fear b/c of threat from Soviet Union * expressed in pop culture, film noir (things such as The Twilight Zone, comic books about super heroes), and govt preparations for nuclear attack (air raid drills, emergency radio broadcast drills, fallout shelters) * but public also awed by technological potential of nuclear power (Dreams of prosperity and unlimited + cheap electricity) 4) The Korean War a) The Divided Peninsula i) Korea divided at 38th Parallel by US and Soviets into Communist North and Southern government of capitalist Syngman Rhee (supported by US) * north had a strong, Soviet equipped army * south had small one that only dealt with internal affairs ii) Nationalists in North invaded S in 1950 in effort to reunite countries * unknown if North asked for Stalin’s approval, but once it began, the Soviets certaintly supported them * on June 27, 1950, US won UN resolution calling for support of S. Korea armies * Russia unable to veto b/c boycotting Security Council at time for their refusal to allow communist China into Council * On June 30, 1950, US ordered their ground forces into Korea * Gen. Douglas MacArthur was to assume command over UN forces there * War was seen as †containment† effort but also as a â€Å"liberation† * After US beat North troops back into North Korea, Truman ordered to pursue the communists into their own territory * Wanted to create â€Å"a unified, independent and democratic Korea b) From Invasion to Stalemate i) Gen MacArthur (head of UN forces) able to advance far into North, but new communist Chinese govt feared American forces and therefore entered conflict in Nov 1950 * UN offensive stalled and then collapsed * Through Dec of 1950, outnumbered US forces fought a bitter, losing battle against the Chinese, constantly retreating ii) Within weeks, UN armies forced to retreat to 38th parallel * Eventually took back land lost and got back to 38th parallel once more * Long stalemate then ensued until 1953 iii) Truman wanted peace and not new world war w/ China * Gen MacArthur publicly opposed peace effort (Martin letter) and was relieved of command by Pres in April 1951 * He believed that we should have attacked China through either an invasion or bombing * He had wide popular support, therefore when he was relieved, there was wide public outrage * 69% of American people supported him c) Limited Mobilization i) War led to only limited economic mobilization, since it had little American military commitment. Govt still tried to control wartime economy in several ways * Truman created Office of Defense Mobilization to combat rising inflation and discourage high union wage demands * These failed * govt seized RRs and steel mills when workers walked off the job in union strikes * Costly strikes followed (especially in Steel Mills) and workers got most of what they wanted as there was little Truman could do and his actions were both rash and ineffective * The supreme court disallowed him from continuing to seize the steel mills because they said he was exceeding his authority * increased govt spending stimulated economy as many thought we were on the verge of a recession ii) Inability of US to quickly end â€Å"small† war led to growth of fears of growth of communist at home and triggered second major campaign against it * public was angry that so many lives were being lost (140,000 dead or wounded) 5) The Crusade Against Subversion a) HUAC and Alger Hiss i) Another â€Å"Red Scare† prompted by fear of Stalin and Communist growth (â€Å"loss† of China, Korean frustrations, Soviet development of the bomb) * many sought to blame US communist conspiracy ii) Anti Communist fervor merged from the Repubs seeking to use anticommunist feelings to win support against Dems, and Dems trying to stifle that issue * Congress created House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) in 1947 to investigate communist subversion * Created by the Repubs to prove that under Dem rule, the govt had tolerated communist subversion * Went after Hollywood first iii) Public more concerned with HUAC investigation into former State Dept official Alger Hiss in 1948 that revealed some complicity w/ communists * Were tipped by a former member of the communist party that was now working for the Time magazine * He had â€Å"microfilms† of the documents that were supposedly passed by Hiss to the Soviet Union in 1937 and 1938 * He could not be tried for espionage because crimes happen too long ago, but because of the efforts of Richard M. Nixon, he was convicted of perjury and served several years in prison * increased fear of communist infiltrations b) The Federal Loyalty Program and the Rosenberg Case i) Truman began 1947 program to determine â€Å"loyalty† of fed employees * this was partly because of Republican attacks, and partly to encourage support for the President’s foreign policy initiatives * President authorized sensitive agencies to fire people deemed â€Å"bad security risks† * By 1951,more than 2,000 govt employees had resigned under pressure and 212 had been dismissed * FBI monitored radicals (J. Edgar Hoover) * 1950 Congress passed McCarran Internal Security Act forcing communist groups to register w/ government ii) Explosion of atomic bomb by Soviets led to famous Rosenberg trial to find out how Russia had learned of technology so quickly * Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were a communist couple whom the govt claimed had been the masterminds of the conspiracy * Despite appeals and protests from sympathizers, they both died in the electric chair on June 19, 1953 * They both proclaimed their innocence to the end iii) HUAC, Rosenberg trial, â€Å"Loyalty† program, Hiss ordeal, McCarran Act, and international events all lead to national anticommunist hysteria at national, state, and local level * Schools, labor unions, universities, state and local govts, all sought to purge themselves of real or imagined subversives iv) A fear settled over the country of not only communist infiltration, but being suspected of communism yourself c) McCarthyism i) Rather unknown Wisconsin Rep. Sen Joseph McCarthy in 1951 began leveling charges of communist agents in State Dept and other agencies * He claimed to â€Å"hold in my hand† a list of 205 known communists currently working in the US State Department * Within weeks, he was also accusing other agencies * His new subcommittee was at the fore of anticommunist hysteria and partisan politics * He accused many people even though he had little solid evidence d) The Republican Revival i) Korean stalemate and fears of internal subversion led to Dem disappointments * Truman was very unpopular and therefore withdrew from the Presidential contest ii) Dems nominated Adlai Stevenson (viewed as liberal and Repubs saw him as being weak on Communism) * Repubs nominated popular Gen Dwight Eisenhower and VP Richard Nixon (became famous for his crusade against Hiss) * Eisenhower talked of Korean peace, Nixon of communist subversion * Nixon also attacked Democratic â€Å"appeasement†, â€Å"cowardice†, and â€Å"treason† * Both promised to â€Å"clean up the mess in Washington† iii) Eisenhower won election by huge margin & Republicans gained control of both Houses of Congress