Sunday, February 16, 2020

''Critically discuss the approaches a non-financial company should Essay

''Critically discuss the approaches a non-financial company should take in defining, measuring and effectively managing the risks inherent in a potential new project.'' - Essay Example The company plans its operations well in advance. These plans are based on an analysis of past activities and estimated forecasts. When the actual result matches with the planned result there is a gain but when the actual outcome is different from the expectation there is a loss. Despite this the activities of the company are based on the forecasts. This means that the company is taking a risk. Suppose, there is a company X Ltd based in US. A research by the company reveals that there is a good market for its product in Canada. To tap the Canadian market the company wishes to start its operations in Canada. For a new project the company requires funds for buying equipments, employing man-power, procuring materials etc. The funds required for setting up its new operations can be obtained as loans from financial institutions. But the availability of loan depends on the market conditions. It is difficult to obtain loan in a tight monetary market. During these times the company has to pa y a high rate of interest for securing loans. This raises the interest obligations of the company. Moreover the company is also subject to the risk of interest rate fluctuations. This is called interest rate risk. If the company avails a floating rate loan, a rise in the rate of interest pushes up its interest cost. This can be hedged with the help of swaps and derivative instruments (Nawalkha et al, 2005, P1). The material constitutes the most important part of the input. Its non-availability can have an adverse impact on production levels. If the company relies on a single supplier then it can be exposed to the unjust demands of the supplier. This can give rise to instances of short-supply, unfair prices etc. On account of his supreme position, he can demand for unfavourable terms of credit. If the supplier has a monopolistic position in the market he can ask for higher prices for the

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Site Field Visit and Essay Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Site Field Visit and Essay - Research Paper Example I had already witnessed the rituals of some other religions, and I was sure that experience inside the church would be much different from other worship places. I collected some preliminary knowledge about church and Christianity from my Christian friends. I also made a bit of internet research on the religion and the common rules to follow while visiting a church. From what Slick Matt describes in Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry website, Christianity is a religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. According to Christianity, God is ‘Trinity’ which includes Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ, the Son is the second person in trinity. Christianity believes that one can attain salvation and save oneself from righteous judgment of God only through the faith in Jesus. According to the Orthodox point of view, as described in the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America website by Conciliar Press, an orthodox church is the church founded by Jesus, and it is described in the New Testament. It is the church which could be traced back historically by all other Christian sections and churches. When visiting an orthodox church which is considered as the God’s house one should cross oneself and prepare for prayer. Everyone is supposed to be reserved and modest within the church, and must wear proper attires that suits God’s house. Women usually cover their heads and men do not wear any caps. Everyone stands in an orthodox church and there are separate sections for both men and women. But weak or old age people can make use of seats if they need. I visited the church on a Sunday morning with two of my orthodox Christian friends. As I reached the place, I saw the beautiful huge white church building with a golden dome on the top. Since it was a Sunday, there were several men and women who came for the Sunday observance. Church building is oriented west to east with the