Friday, May 22, 2020

Obtaining A Life Of Meaning And Purpose In Life Is Something

Obtaining a life of meaning and purpose in life is something that every human being struggles with. Trying to find yourself and locate your value in society. Even today it’s one of the biggest struggles. That feeling of acceptance comes from everything, your back round, your race, your skin color, your religious belief, your political belief. God intended for us to be here in this world but he leaves your meaning and purpose for you to find and seek it through whatever lessons and teachings you find. Martin Luther King JR always preached about human injustice and inequality and this is what the Letter from a Birmingham Jail was about. Nostra Aetate Vatican II had the purpose of creating awareness to the differences we have in cultures and†¦show more content†¦We ask ourselves then how could that have been human? How does someone live a life of meaning and purpose with this treatment. They couldn’t; they had to make the most of it. â€Å"But more basically, I a m in Birmingham because injustice is here.† (121) Attacking the issue, is what God meant. God wants us to live a life of meaning and purpose by addressing the issues and struggles that are given to us. Struggle and troubles in human life is part of the journey, purpose and meaning. We as the catholic tradition have so many struggles. The Letter from Birmingham Jail highlights this question of meaning and purpose in our lives once again with â€Å"We know through painful experience that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.† (123) The fact that African Americans felt this way it is hard to live a life of meaning and purpose. Especially when your freedom a right by our Constitution is being taken from you. To have all of these differences in society whether it relates to God or not it wasn’t fair. God intends for life to be hard I believe through all of the teachings and lessons. But still today prejudice and rac ial behaviors exist against African Americans not to the extent to when this letter was written in 1963. Martin Luther King Jr created a non-violent constructive approach to dealing with the injustices that were created. This letter ultimately speaks about how a life of meaning and purpose needs to be given through ourShow MoreRelated money Essay1181 Words   |  5 Pages The Meaning of Success Most people do not find their careers fulfilling or meaningful. Today more and more people are dissatisfied with this situation. Many people consider money to be more important than obtaining a purpose in life. Everyone has a passion deep down inside. You may not be aware of exactly what it is, but it will emerge as life goes on. Once you find this passion or mission, success will fallow. It is not easy to find or create work that truly satisfies the soul. 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